Read more about the article 10 Ways to Prepare Your Body for a Disney Vacation
Walking at Disney World

10 Ways to Prepare Your Body for a Disney Vacation

So you’ve saved for a year (or more) with help from the cool app you downloaded to your mobile device, had monthly planning/budget meetings, even shared your fancy spreadsheet with family members. Tickets are purchased, resort and dining reservations are made, fast passes are booked, then …

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Read more about the article 50 races/50 States
50 State Rv Map

50 races/50 States

Sandy and I have a decal on our motorhome that is an outline of the US (and Canada). The map starts off blank, but each time you visit a different state, you affix that state’s sticker (which are also included in the package), until you fill (hopefully) the entire map. It’s been a fun …

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Read more about the article Coast HL7 Pure Beam Focus Headlamp – Review
Running at the Sand Crab Beach Run with the Coast HL7 Headlamp

Coast HL7 Pure Beam Focus Headlamp – Review

Although I have had Coast HL7 Pure Beam Focus Headlamp since last Christmas, I’ve only recently used it enough to give it a good shakedown, and a qualified review. So now that I have used it on some Dopey training runs (running at night in search of bearable temperatures) and again at the Port Aransas

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