We should be in the Yukon right now, winding our way back towards Alaska in preparation for Fairbanks’ Midnight Sun Run in a week or so. Obviously, that isn’t happening for us this year. Maybe next year, but who knows, right?
It’s probably just as well. My running was pretty sporadic over the first part of the year, and Lloyd’s had some health issues keeping him close to home. And then….
Last week was Global Running Day. We’ve enjoyed going to events all over the country in the past and were looking forward to joining the Cap10K group in Austin for their Global Running Day 10K, even if we didn’t do more than a 5K. At the last minute things went awry and we didn’t get to go. So I did the next best thing – I signed up for Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio in December. I mean, why not? Sure, we haven’t run that far since <ahem> Disney’s Wine & Dine in 2019. But we’ve got loads of time to train, it’s a flat course and our best running friends (Michele, Rusty and Charlie) from My Team Triumph: Wings of Texas will be there. Fun times ahead!! And then…
In January, I set myself the goal to run 1,000 miles this year, and I figured that the simplest way to do that was to train for a marathon using a plan that included plenty of base-building first. That went off the rails in February thanks in part to Texas’ snowmageddon and to my general lack of motivation afterward. In fact, I’ve learned something about myself. I find it difficult to self-motivate where fitness is concerned. Virtual races don’t do it for me. Apparently only the desire not to embarrass myself in front of a group of sweaty strangers will really keep me moving when it’s cold outside, hot outside, I want to read a book, I’m tired, I’m lazy, etc. I started back on the plan at the end of March, and then…
I’m not sure how this happened. I’m a member of a few running groups on social media and I’m guessing I must have seen an ad or something. But I SIGNED US UP FOR A MARATHON! In case you’re wondering, no, it won’t be our first marathon. But the first one was at Disney in 2018 (forever ago), so sometimes it almost seems like it doesn’t count. This time we’re doing the Williams Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, OK. It’s been on my bucket list for years and I’M RUNNING A MARATHON! And then….
This morning I realized that we’re only a couple of weeks away from the Watermelon Thump. That’s our local festival (every Texas town has one) and there’s always a 5K that weekend that benefits the local animal shelter (LAWS). So I signed up for that too! And then, I went for a run.
A route 66 marathon? That actually sounds super cool! We, (well… Mostly I,) have always wanted to give a Disney 5K.
Disney 5Ks are so much fun! I love the music & characters – we’re doing the runs at Wine & Dine this year and then at Marathon Weekend in 2022. I can’t wait!