If you’re like us, life in lockdown has really been a disruption. Since we’ve been avoiding unnecessary travel and even outings during the pandemic, our activity levels have definitely taken a hit. Boredom, easy access to comfort/junk food, canceled running events (thus, lack of motivation), and even mild depression all form the perfect environment for packing a little extra luggage. 

Maybe everyone hasn’t gained the “Quarantine 15,” but we’ve talked to lots of folks that are struggling with some level of weight gain or decline in fitness during these crazy times. And it’s sneaky… one day you are doing a six-mile run, and the next day your pants don’t fit!

Sandy and I have joined fitness challenges in the past and found them both motivating and a great source of accountability. A few days ago, our friends Deb & Joel at Chasing RV Sunshine mentioned that they were doing a 30-day Yoga challenge and how it was nice to get back to some activity. We need to do the same, so we decided that we should get together and create a fitness challenge that all of our friends could join us in.

Enter the “RV Fit Yet?” 30-Day Fitness Challenge!

It’s simple to join us (there is nothing to buy, and the only commitment is to yourself).  All you have to do is:

  1. Do a 30 minute activity of your choice (run, walk, workout, yoga, etc)
  2. Share a photo of your activity in your stories and tag it #rvfityet.  If you mention @chasingrvsunshine & @dtw.life, we can share it in our stories as well!

For even more fun, print our activity tracker (pdf) so you can keep track of how many days you have worked out.

Keep in mind, this is a fun challenge an meant for motivation and support only. So there are no losers… only WINNERS (we know… cheeeeeezzzzyyy! lol)

Happy trails, and stay safe (and fit!)

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