Many of you have followed my story at and you may have noticed I have been AWOL for a few months on the blog. Nothing wrong here, I’ve just been thinking a lot about where that blog was headed and what expectations were for the future. I kinda feel like the transformation story has run its course. Yes, I/we are still in transformation mode, but so are millions of other folks. We’re not doing any fad diets or using any trendy supplements (well, there was that beet juice thing) that we can write about (or sell). We’re not even members of any of the hip fitness groups (eg, Orange Theory, Camp Gladiator, or Crossfit). The key to our transformation is no secret… eat better, exercise more. Of course, we always enjoy sharing tips, ideas, and favorites with those who are interested, and that won’t change. We just feel like that story has been told a thousand times over and at this point, we’re kind of beating a dead horse.

Sandy and I in our 2014 Fleetwood Bounder at French Quarter RV Resort in 2014.


After a morning run at Sherwood Forest RV Resort – Kissimmee, FL in 2019.

So, where am I going with this? A few months ago, Sandy said, “you know, people always ask us, ‘What adventures have you been on lately? Where are you headed next?'” I agreed. I’ve also had lots of folks ask things like, “How do you keep up with your training while you are on the road?” Though our weight loss and fitness stories have become kind of status quo, our travel adventures and the quest to stay fit while traveling is never boring. Maybe that’s what folks want to hear about? Maybe we could share our adventures, and stories of life on the road and in the RV? But not JUST another travel or RV’ing blog, there are tons of those. We want to share our passions for traveling, enjoying new foods and drinks, being more active AND staying fit so we are ABLE to travel and enjoy more of the things we love. And of course, we’ll throw some not-fitness-related travel and RV stuff in there as well (check out our YouTube Channel). I’m sure everyone is dying to know our preferred brand of toilet chemical, right? Or more importantly, how to turn down the annoying jacks down beeper on your Freightliner Chassis motorhomeLOL! 

So with a renewed passion and a blazing spirit, we move onward toward new horizons as We are glad you have joined us, and hope we can help inspire you to devour…transform…wander.

Happy trails!

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